Ecofiesta food and drink vendor application

Waste Wise Event Requirements

Cairns Ecofiesta is a waste-wise event. All vendors are required to eliminate single-use plastics from their operations, adhere to the events terms and conditions and serve customers with the reusable containers and utensils provided by event organisers.  Download Council's waste-wise event guidlines.

Applicant details

Site requirements

Power is available on some sites. Fees apply.

Menu and packaging plan

Please provide a complete list of your proposed menu items, including any pre-packaged products such as cold drinks. Locally-sourced produce and healthy options are preferred.
Current and applicable public liability insurance of at least $20 million is required, with Cairns Regional Council listed as an INTERESTED PARTY.

Note:  For more information about the reuse system for vendors, please refer to the FAQ sheet. All vendors are required to adhere to the event's terms and conditions, including the avoidance of all single-use plastics. 

  • All vendors are required to adhere to the events terms and conditions including the avoidance of all singe-use pastics.

  • Where you intend to sell pre-packaged drinks, they must be sold in aluminium cans and not plastic bottles. Lets Drink Cans in Cairns for better recycling outcomes.


Food vendor attendance fee is $350 (i.e. those selling meals).

Drink and snack vendor attendance fee is $250 (i.e. coffee, cold drinks and/or snack foods).

Payment is required within 10 working days of vendor approval.

Cancellations must be submitted to seven (7) days prior to the event for fee refund.

Required documents

Please upload the following forms.

Current and applicable public liability insurance of at least $20 million is required, with Cairns Regional Council listed as an INTERESTED PARTY.

Plastic Free Cairns Members

Plastic Free Cairns Members will receive a 10% discount on their vendor fees if approved.

Terms and Conditions

Vendors participating at Ecofiesta must:

  • use the centralised dishwashing system when available.

  • only use certified compostable food / beverage containers if the event's reusable options are unavailable.

Distribution of single-use plastics is prohibited at this event. This includes, but is not limited to: plastic bags, sachets (e.g. sauce packets), plates, bowls, containers, cutlery, straws, balloons and polystyrene. 

Not adhering to these conditions may result in your stall being made ineligible for future events.


Cairns Regional Council – Information Privacy Statement 

Your personal information has been collected for the purpose of assessing your application. The collection of your information is authorised under the Local Government Act 2009. You are providing personal information which will be used for the purpose of delivering services and carrying out Council business. Your personal information is handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 and will be accessed by persons who have been authorised to do so. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given Council permission to or the disclosure is required by law.