Development Enquiries

Applicant details

Enquiry type

Please complete the fields below. You must provide the site of the development and relevant plans of the proposal in order for us to offer advice. If you cannot provide these details, we recommend you make a General Development Enquiry.

We will contact you to schedule a pre-lodgement meeting with a Council Planner and other technical officers as required.  We aim to hold the pre-lodgement meeting within 15 business days of your request to allow for technical assessment to occur.

The outcome of the pre-lodgement meeting will be Minutes confirming details, outcomes and requirements.  You will not receive a formal response.  If you require a further detailed response, you can request formal pre-lodgement advice.

Please complete the fields below. You must provide the site of the development and relevant plans of the proposal in order for us to assess your proposal against the Planning Scheme.   If you cannot provide these details, we recommend you make a General Development Enquiry.

A pre-lodgement meeting may be included in this process.  If required, we will contact you to schedule this meeting.

We aim to provide a detailed response within 15 business days. Please note that more technical developments may require additional time.

20-minute General Enquiry meetings are held on Wednesdays only. Bookings must be received by the previous Friday. 

Please select your preferred date and time below, then complete the additional fields to enable us to give you a generalised response at the session.  Officers will contact you prior to the meeting to confirm the meeting date and time.

Book a General Enquiry meeting (20 minutes)

General enquiry meeting (20 minutes)  (30 minutes)
20 minute appointment with a Council Town Planner.

General development enquiry details

General enquiry meeting details

Please attach any relevant or supporting documents eg plans, drawings, photographs. Multiple files can be uploaded to a maximum of 7MB.

Proposed development details

The accuracy of our response will depend on the level of detail you provide.

Matters for response

Please use a separate field for each matter about which you are seeking a response.  You can add new fields by clicking the "add another matter" button.

Enter each matter in a separate field. Click "add another matter" to insert a new line for your next item.
We require the site of the development and relevant plans of the proposal to be able to offer advice. Upload your dimensioned plans and drawings here. Multiple files are permitted to a maximum of 10MB. The accuracy of our response will depend on the level of detail you provide.
Attach any additional information about your proposed development eg, photographs, other drawings. Multiple files are permitted to a maximum of 10MB.

Information Privacy statement

We are collecting your information for the purpose of assessing your development enquiry.  This is authorised under the Local Government Act 2009 and your personal information is handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009.  Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given Council permission to do so, or the disclosure is required by law.